Easy CD-DA Extractor 3, as the name says; Enables you to easily copy digital audio from audio compact disc into your computer.


Click icon 'CD-DA Extractor' to start CD-DA Extractor in ASPI for Win32 - mode. (for both Windows 9x and Windows NT)

Click icon 'CD-DA Extractor NT' to start CD-DA Extractor in NT-SCSI - mode. (Windows NT only)

'ASPI for Win32' - mode is recommended for both Operating Systems. See Easy CD-DA Extractor 3 homepage for more information about ASPI and how to obtain it.




Check out the benchmark results @ Easy CD-DA Extractor 3 homepage.


Easy CD-DA Extractor is designed for Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0 and Windows NT 5.0. It uses ASPI (Advanced SCSI Programming Interface) to communicate with a CD device in Windows 9x and Windows NT Generic SCSI Interface or ASPI in Windows NT.

NOTE: Not all CD/DVD drives can do digital audio extraction. Some drives seem to read digital audio correctly but the sound quality is poor.

Easy CD-DA Extractor 3 is compatible with all ATAPI CD/DVD devices. If you cannot read any track and you have a ATAPI drive, your drive does not support digital audio extraction and therefore cannot be used with Easy CD-DA Extractor 3.

Easy CD-DA Extractor 3 is also compatible with SCSI-2 and SCSI-3 CD/DVD devices. If there is a read error in every track the reason might be 1) Your drive cannot do digital audio extraction 2) Your drive is not supported. Many SCSI devices are supported by Easy CD-DA Extractor 3 but compatibility with all SCSI-2 devices is not guaranteed.

PROBLEMS: If you are experiencing problems in digital audio extraction, try to decrease the reading speed and try to use software sector synchronization.


In order to test whether your drive is Extractor compatible do the following



Formats that can be used without acquiring any external programs

Formats that require an external program

(copy the external program to the Easy CD-DA Extractor 3 installation folder or in a folder that is listed in the PATH environment variable)


If the artist name would be "The Smashing Pumpkins", the album would be "Adore" and the song would be "Perfect" which is the track number 3.Selected directory is "C:\My Audio Files"

"%a - %t\%i. %n" would produce filename "C:\My Audio Files\The Smashing Pumpkins - Adore\03. Perfect" (+file extension which depends of the selected file format)

"%a - %n" would produce filename "C:\My Audio Files\The Smashing Pumpkins - Perfect" (+file extension which depends of selected file format)

"Full Albums\%a\%t\%i. %n" would produce filename "C:\My Audio Files\Full Albums\The Smashing Pumpkins\Adore\03. Perfect" (+file extension which depends of selected file format)

"%n" would produce filename "C:\My Audio Files\Perfect" (+file extension which depends of selected file format)

"%i" would produce filename "C:\My Audio Files\03" (+file extension which depends of selected file format)

You got it? Make sure that there is no O/S reserved characters in the folder/filenames, illegal character would cause a file creation failure error. O/S reserved characters (Windows 9x, NT) are /, :, *, ?, ", <, > and |. You can map reserved characters to legal characters string from the Options / User Interface Settings.


Easy CD-DA Extractor can use "On-the-fly" mode, which means that audio data is converted on-the-fly to desired destination format. Audio filters (Normalization etc.) are not available in On-the-fly mode.


Currently affects only Windows Audio Compression Manager (ACM), produces slightly better quality audio but is much more slower than normal mode if you are using some complex audio compression technique like MP3 (MPEG-1 Audio Layer-3)


Normalization; Balances the loudness of the tracks. Useful when recording from a variety of different CDs that may have been recorded at different loudness levels.

Click eliminator; Some drives cannot do clean digital audio extraction, meaning that there might be one or few bytes wrong between two transfer region. It can be heared as a short click sound. This filter will kill such clicks.


ID3 Tag is an extension to the MP3 specification. ID3 Tag contains information such as title, artist, album, images etc.

Easy CD-DA Extractor 3 conforms to ID3 Tag Version 2.3.0 (ID3V2), more information about ID3 at


Sectors Per Read; Simply specifies how many sectors should be read at a time. You can change this value and see if it affects the performance of extraction process.

Number Of Retries; Specifies how many times extractor tries to read a sector if read error occurs.

Sector Synchronization; Used to correct synchroniazation failures. Some drives (almost all newer ones) has special feature that synchronizes audio automatically when doing digital audio extraction. Some (older) drives has no such a feature, software synchronization has to used with these drives.

Some drives cannot position the laser exactly to the requested position. The data returned does not belong exactly to the requested position. This is heared as click and pop sounds in the extracted audio. You can kill those extra sounds by using Sector Synchronization which performs overlapped reads and reconstructs the full sectors. First, try to use two-sector sync. and test if the sound is good, if you still hear those extra noises try three-sector sync. and so on. Not many drives require Sector Synchronization now-a-days (only older ones). Sector Synchronization is always (much more) slower than normal mode.

Skip defected sectors; If read error occurs on some sector it's automatically skipped.

Track Offset; Some CD drives don't correctly extract digital audio if the pregap of the first track isn't exactly two seconds. A bug in the firmware causes the drive to start extracting slightly past the start of the track, and stop extracting slightly past the end. This can result in an audible glitch if the music starts at the exact start of the track, and can cause the drive to fail with an error when extracting the last track on the CD.

For example, if the first track started at 00:02.32, you would subtract 32 from the start and the end.

The Yamaha CDR-100/102 and the Philips CDD2600 are known to have this problem, though it may get fixed by a firmware update. The Ricoh 6200S reportedly does not return the disc's table of contents correctly for these sorts of discs.

Swap Left And Right Channel; Some drives return incorrectly the left and right channel, you can swap them back to good with this option on.

Disable 'Buffer Overflow' Checking; If you are getting 'Buffer Overflow' errors all the time, you can disable the buffer overflow checking and extracts tracks without it.

Reverse Byte Order; Some drives return the digital audio data in the low-endian byte order, the sound is only static use this option to correct it.


Increases/Decreases the processor time given to the extraction/filtering/conversion/compression routine.



CDDB (CD database) is an information database containing artist, disc title, track titles, and other information for digital audio compact discs. A number of CDDB server hosts have been set up onthe Internet around the world, and Easy CD-DA Extractor 3 running on a system which isconnected to the Internet can connect to one or more CDDB servers and query the CD database information.

More information about CDDB at

Hit the "Get List" to get list of active CDDB servers from CDDB mainsite at This function uses direct CDDBP connection and therefore may not work behind a firewall. If you cannot use "Get List" function, use your Internet Browser to connect to see current list of active CDDB servers.

Select the server you want to use (you may want to use the server that is near you, it's probably fastest). If you are not behind a firewall CDDBP protocol is the recommended protocol to use. If you are behind a firewall you should probably use HTTP protocol thru a Proxy Server:


Sectors Per Read; Simply specifies how many sectors should be read at a time. You can change this value and see if it affects the performance of extraction process.

Number Of Retries; Specifies how many times extractor tries to read a sector if read error occurs.

Sector Synchronization; Used to correct synchroniazation failures. Some drives (almost all newer ones) has special chip that synchronizes audio automatically when doing digital audio extraction. Some (older) drives has no such a feature, software synchronization has to used with these drives.

Some drives cannot position the laser exactly to the requested position. The data returned does not belong exactly to the requested position. This is heared as click and pop sounds in the extracted audio. You can kill those extra sounds by using Sector Synchronization which performs overlapped reads and reconstructs the full sectors. First, try to use two-sector sync. and test if the sound is good, if you still hear those extra noises try three-sector sync. and so on. Not many drives require Sector Synchronization now-a-days (only older ones). Sector Synchronization is always (much more) slower than normal mode.

Track Offset; Some CD drives don't correctly extract digital audio if the pregap of the first track isn't exactly two seconds. A bug in the firmware causes the drive to start extracting slightly past the start of the track, and stop extracting slightly past the end. This can result in an audible glitch if the music starts at the exact start of the track, and can cause the drive to fail with an error when extracting the last track on the CD.

For example, if the first track started at 00:02.32, you would subtract 32 from the start and the end.

The Yamaha CDR-100/102 and the Philips CDD2600 are known to have this problem, though it may get fixed by a firmware update. The Ricoh 6200S reportedly does not return the disc's table of contents correctly for these sorts of discs.

Swap Left And Right Channel; Some drives return incorrectly the left and right channel, you can swap them back to good with this option on.

Disable 'Buffer Overflow' Checking; If you are getting 'Buffer Overflow' errors all the time, you can disable the buffer overflow checking and extracts tracks without it.

Reverse Byte Order; Some drives return the digital audio data in the low-endian byte order, the sound is only static use this option to correct it.


Highlight track titles when the mouse passes over them; Check this option to have visual feedback when mouse passes over a track name.

Show tips at startup; Enables the tips at program startup. Might be useful for non-experienced users.

Filename generation; Enables you to re-map O/S reserved to characters to legal character strings.


Run Easy CD-DA Extractor @ higher priority; Automatically puts the Easy CD-DA Extractor to the high-priority mode. Windows will give more processor time to the Extractor process.

Play a sound at the end of extraction process; Notifies user that the extraction is complete by playing a wave (.wav) sound.




You can normalize standard Wave (16-bit Stereo PCM @ 44.1kHz) files using this tool.


You can convert standard Wave (16-bit Stereo PCM @ 44.1kHz) files to some other format using this tool.


You can browse the Windows CD-database using this tool. Shows all albums and tracks.